- This symbol refers to massage "without" happy ending.
- 抜き無しのマッサージです。
- 这个标记意味着没有色彩的按摩服务。
- This symbol refers to massage "with" happy ending.
- 抜き有りのマッサージです。
- 这个标记意味着有色彩的按摩服务。
- This symbol refers to decent Chinese traditional massage.
- 中国の伝統的なマッサージです。
- 这个标记意味着中国传统按摩服务。
- This symbol refers to decent Thailand traditional massage.
- タイの伝統的なマッサージです。
- 这个标记意味着泰国传统按摩服务。
- This symbol refers to the masseuse is Japanese nationality.
- 日本人のセラピストです。
- 这个标记意味着服务生是日本人。
- This symbol refers to the masseuse is either Chinese or Taiwanese or Hongkong nationality.
- 中国人・台湾人・香港人のセラピストです。
- 这个标记意味着服务生是中国人或台湾人或香港人。
- This symbol refers to the masseuse is Korean nationality.
- 韓国人のセラピストです。
- 这个标记意味着服务生是韩国人。
- This symbol refers to the masseuse is Thailand nationality.
- タイ人のセラピストです。
- 这个标记意味着服务生是泰国人。
- This symbol refers to the masseuse is other than above nationalities.
- 上記以外の国籍のセラピストです。
- 这个标记意味着服务生是上述几个国籍以外的国民。
- This symbol refers to a shop having strong and well-financed to be able to provide introduction video.
- マッサージの紹介動画があります。
- 这个标记意味着这一家店有介绍短片。
- This symbol refers to some shops welcome foreigner customers. Beware that many Japanese escort massage shop totally refuse to welcome foreigners due to language barrier (Please don't think negatively, they are not discriminative, but afraid of getting trouble due to miscommunication).
- このシンボルは、一部のマッサージ店が外国人の顧客を歓迎していることを示しています。 多くの日本人のエステマッサージ店は、言葉の壁のために外国人を歓迎することを完全に拒否していることに注意してください(否定的に考えないでください、彼らは差別的ではありませんが、誤解によるトラブルを恐れています)。
- 这个标记意味着有某些按摩店欢迎外国客人(非日本籍)。注意!有很多日本人的按摩店不欢迎外国客人,主要原因是语言障碍的关系产生误会,惹出大麻烦,并非种族歧视,所以请不要往负面的方向去理解。
- This symbol refers to a brand new shop.
- 新開店舗です。
- 这个标记意味着这是刚刚问世的新店。
- This symbol refers to a new comer of masseuse to some specific highly recommended shop.
- 人気のオススメの店舗に新人さんが入った通知です。
- 这个标记意味着某一些非常受欢迎的按摩店来了新人的通知。
- This symbol refers to information of illegal massage shops had been captured by police recently.
- 違法のマッサージ店として摘発された通知です。
- 这个标记意味着有某一些犯法的按摩店被绳之以法的重大新闻发生。
- This symbol refers to a massage shop opens vacancy for a new recruitment of masseuse.
- マッサージ店が新人を募集中の通知です。
- 这个标记意味着按摩店正在招收新服务生。
Rules you should know
- Happy ending escort massage only serves maximum until "nudy massage", "blowjob" and "handjob", don't expect sexual intercourse (based on Japan's adult entertainment law is illegal). Violating this law will face penalty of imprisonment and huge amount of fine and also losing job career in Japan.
- The happy ending escort massage doesn't include room or space, therefore customers need to book hotel in prior and make appointment with the escort massage shop afterward.
- Non happy ending massage doesn't serve plus-plus service, so don't request any extra service, unless you can flirt the masseuse and ask her out for a date some other day (it depends on your luck).
Tips and advices to foreigner customers
- Tipping (1000yen - 5000yen) to the masseuse is kind of untold culture but recommended to do if you think the service is satisfying.
- Please be polite and gentle to the masseuse as all occupations need to be respected and appreciated.
- If you are not satisfied with the service you paid for, or the content of the service doesn't meet the description, you may write down review or suggestion or advice in our comment section under the page of specific salon/massage shop.
- If you are scammed, please report to police nearby. With strong evidence, you will get your money back.